Electrical test results according to EN 50699 VDE 0702:2021-06
Periodic inspection of the effectiveness of the protective measures of electrical appliances. The new DIN EN 50699 (0702):2021-06 is valid from June 1, 2021. It bears the official title “Periodic inspection for electrical appliances”.
This standard applies to devices that are connected via a plug or permanently to final circuits with a rated voltage of more than 25 V AC and 60 V DC up to 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC and currents up to 63 A.
This standard applies to all electrical equipment with the exception of:
Testing and repair defined in DIN EN 50678 (VDE 0701)
Type tests, routine tests, random sample tests, special tests, acceptance tests for product safety requirements and product function requirements
Devices for EX zones or for mining applications in general
Products that are already covered by standards and relate to similar tdems, e.g. medical devices covered by IEC 60601-1 (covered by IEC 62353)
Arc welding equipment according to IEC 60974-1 (covered by IEC 60974-4)
Power drive
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Charging stations for electromobility
programmable logic controller (PLC)
Implementation of EN 50699 in national standards:
Country National reference Date Language Nationale journal Date
Belgien NBN EN 50699:2020 2020-12-17 English 2/2021 2021-02-09
Bulgarien BDS EN 50699:2021 2021-04-15 English 3/2021 2021-04-15
Dänemark DS/EN 50699:2020 2020-11-23 English
Estland EVS-EN 50699:2020 2020-12-01 English EVS Teataja 2020-12-01 2020-12-01
Finland SFS-EN 50699:2020:en 2020-12-04
Griechenland ELOT EN 50699:2020 2020-11-20
Großbritannien BS EN 50699:2020 2021-03-05 English
Irland I.S. EN 50699:2020 2020-12-07 English
Island ÍST EN 50699:2020 2020-12-15 English 2020-12-15
Kroatien HRN EN 50699:2020 2020-12-31 English HZN e-Glasilo 12/2020 2020-12-31
Lettland LVS EN 50699:2021 2021-02-25 English
Litauen LST EN 50699:2021 2021-01-29 English
Luxemburg ILNAS-EN 50699:2020 2021-05-25 French Mémorial A N° 394 2021-05-25
Malta SM EN 50699:2020 2020-12-15 English 20538 2020-12-15
Moldavien SM EN 2998:2018 2018-05-10 English
Niederlande NEN-EN 50699:2020 2020-12-01 English
Norwegen EN 50699:2020 2021-12-01
Portugal NP EN 50699:2020 2020-12-07 English Publicação Oficial de 2020-12 2020-12-15
Rumänien SR EN 50699:2021 2021-02-04 English, French, German BS 03.2021
Slowakei STN EN 50699 2021-04-01 English Vestnik UNMS SR 03/2021 2021-03-29
Spanien UNE-EN 50699:2020 2021-01-01 Spanish
Schweden SS-EN 50699, utg 1:2021 2021-02-17
Schweiz SN EN 50699:2020 2021-02-11
Tschechien ČSN EN 50699:2021 2020-10-01 Czech Věstník ÚNMZ 9/2021 2021-09-08
Türkei TS EN 50699 2021-02-15 English
Zypern CYS EN 50699:2020 2020-12-18 English
The transitional period for the application of the old DIN VDE 0701-0702 after a repair is valid until 16.12.2022; the transitional period for the application of the old DIN VDE 0701-0702 on the occasion of a repeat test ends on 21.09.2023.